Julie Adams
About me, and my accidental career

When the universe pushes you from behind, you either fall down or you pour yourself a glass of Chåteauneuf-du-Pape, pull up a chair, and listen to what she has to say.
When my kids were done being babies, I found myself with school aged kids and no career. I'm not going to tell you "I was born with a camera in my hand" or that this has been a life long career path for me because it wasn't. I had been deeply involved with the horse breeding industry practically my whole life and I was good at it. And then... I had kids.
Breeding season for horses equalled summer time for my kids and I didn't want someone else raising my children. Without a career to define me, I started soul searching and thanks to a dear friend's nudging and support, photography and design landed in my lap. I will be forever grateful that I discovered my creative side.
If you're ready to create something beautiful together, contact me here

Julie Adams (no longer Patton)
Born in London, England, Julie moved to Spain, then Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has since lived all over the United States and now calls Colorado home.